Top Four Mock Primary Winners Announced and the Mock Ranked Choice Voting General Election begins today June 16, 2021June 16, 2021 (JUNEAU, AK) – The results are in for the Division of Election’s (DOE) first mock Top Four Primary Election; setting the stage for the mock Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Election which begins today and ends Wednesday June 30, 2021 at 5pm. Voters can rank their choices in the mock General Election for Best Alaskan Seafood at—RCV-General/6633/vote Almost 4000 Alaskans went to the polls in the primary election to vote for their favorite Alaskan Seafood. Pollock advanced with 27% of the vote followed by Scallops (14%), King Crab (12%), and King Salmon (10%). “We’re happy about all the attention the division’s first mock primary election received and it was a good first opportunity to get information out. But now the fun really begins with the Ranked Choice Voting mock general election and we’re expecting an even bigger turnout” said Division Director, Gail Fenumiai. “An RCV general election winner needs to get a majority, 50% plus one, of the votes in order to win and it will be interesting to see if Pollock is really the true favorite seafood choice of Alaskans.” The mock elections are part of the division’s RCV Voter Education Campaign to help voters practice and understand how top four primary and RCV elections work. It is especially important for voters to grasp how votes are tabulated and how an RCV election winner became the winner. Unlike in a real general election, mock election voters will be able to view real-time unofficial results as soon as they submit their votes and read a round by round break down. The results will continue to change until the close of polls on Wednesday June 30, 2021 at 5pm. The division will announce the winner shortly thereafter. Voters can reach the Division of Elections with questions and feedback specifically related to RCV by emailing Organizations and other potential partners who want to help with the campaign can also reach out to that email address. ### Division of Elections Contact: Tiffany Montemayor or (907) 465-4611