File for an REAA Election Each term for office is for three years unless you are filing for a vacant seat. Qualifications for candidacy: Registered to vote in Alaska.Reside within the boundaries of the REAA district (and section if applicable). To submit your declaration of candidacy, complete the following steps: Ensure you meet the qualifications for office. Print and complete a Declaration of Candidacy form. Submit by mail, fax, email, or in person. Declaration of Candidacy By Mail Postmark by: Friday August 2, 2024Mail to:Division of ElectionsPO Box 11017Juneau, AK 99811-0017Must be received by the Division within 10 days of postmark date. By Fax, Email or In Person Declarations must be received by the Division no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday August 2, 2024.Fax number: 1 (907) 465-3203Email address:elections@alaska.govDeliver it in person to any Division of Elections Office. To file as a Write-In candidate, complete the following steps: Ensure you meet the qualifications for office. Print and complete a Letter of Intent-REAA form. Submit by mail, fax, email, or in person. Letters of intent for write-in must be received by the Division no later than 5:00 p.m. on Thursday September 26, 2024. Write-In Letter of Intent Seat Vacancies When the Division receives notification of a resignation or vacancy on or before July 15, another person is appointed by the board to serve until the next regular REAA election. Candidates may apply for vacant seats to complete the term of office. Use the form below to search open seats within a REAA district. Search Region (REAA) Search by community or region Community Adak Akiachak Akiak Alakanuk Alatna Alcan Border Aleknagik Allakaket Angoon Aniak Anvik Arctic Village Atka Atmautluak Attu Station Beaver Bethel Bettles Big Delta Birch Creek Brevig Mission Central Chalkyitsik Chefornak Chenega Chevak Chicken Chisana Chistochina Chitina Chuathbaluk Circle Clark's Point Coffman Cove Coldfoot Copper Center Crooked Creek Delta Junction Deltana Diomede Dot Lake Dot Lake Village Dry Creek Eagle Eagle Village Eareckson Air Station Edna Bay Eek Ekwok Elfin Cove Elim Emmonak Evansville Flat Fort Greely Fort Yukon Four Mile Road Gakona Gambell Game Creek Glennallen Golovin Goodnews Bay Grayling Gulkana Gustavus Healy Lake Highway Area Hollis Holy Cross Hooper Bay Hughes Huslia Hyder Kaltag Kasaan Kasigluk Kenny Lake Kipnuk Klukwan Koliganek Kongiganak Kotlik Koyuk Koyukuk Kwethluk Kwigillingok Lake Minchumina Lime Village Livengood Lower Kalskag Manley Hot Springs Manokotak Marshall McCarthy McGrath Mekoryuk Mendeltna Mentasta Lake Mertarvik Metlakatla Minto Mountain Village Nabesna Napakiak Napaskiak Naukati Bay Nelchina New Stuyahok Newtok Nightmute Nikolai Nikolski Northway Nulato Nunam Iqua Nunapitchuk Oscarville Outside Paxson Pilot Station Pitka's Point Platinum Point Baker Port Alexander Port Clarence Port Protection Portage Creek Quinhagak Rampart Red Devil Ruby Russian Mission Savoonga Scammon Bay Shageluk Shaktoolik Shishmaref Silver Springs Slana Sleetmute St. George Island St. Michael St. Paul Island Stebbins Stevens Village Stony River Takotna Tanacross Tanana Tatitlek Tazlina Teller Tenakee Springs Tetlin Thorne Bay Togiak Tok Toksook Bay Tolsona Tonsina Tuluksak Tuntutuliak Tununak Twin Hills Unalakleet Upper Kalskag Venetie Wales Whale Pass White Mountain Whitestone Whitestone Logging Camp Whittier Willow Creek Wiseman Region REAA 02REAA 03REAA 04REAA 05REAA 06REAA 08REAA 09REAA 11REAA 12REAA 13REAA 15REAA 16REAA 17REAA 18REAA 19REAA 20REAA 21REAA 22REAA 23 District Number District Name Go! Reset Search If you are human, leave this field blank. Candidate Withdrawals Withdrawal deadline: August 14, 2024. A candidate’s notice of withdrawal must be received by the Division at least 48 days prior to the REAA election. Notice of Withdrawal View the REAA Election Calendar