GET PAID TO SERVE YOUR COMMUNITY AS AN ELECTION WORKER Alaska must recruit and train hundreds of Poll Workers, Board Members, Registrars, and more in communities across the state. Election Officials will teach you everything you need to know to do the job. Qualifications Must be a registered voter in Alaska.Be willing to work an approximate 16 hour day or more on Election Day OR share a position and work a split shift and attend a four to five hour paid training session.Must be willing to remain non-partisan on Election Day and NOT express any political opinions while on the job.Cannot have a familial relationship with a candidate on the ballot. Already an Election Worker? View Training Materials Poll WorkersOther Election WorkersBilingual Assistance WorkersYouth at the BoothRegistrarsAdopt-A-Precinct Chairperson or Co-Chairperson Responsible for overseeing the Election Day operations at an assigned polling place. This includes recruiting, managing and working with election workers assigned to the polling place, coordination of site access, picking up supplies, setting up equipment and opening the polls, assisting and processing voters, completing the closing procedures, transmitting election results and ensuring the ballots, voting materials, supplies and voting equipment are secured and returned to the division. Poll Worker Responsible for assisting the Chairperson and Co-Chairperson in the polling place operations. This includes setting up equipment and supplies, assisting and processing voters, and assisting in the closing procedures. Additional Qualifications Be willing to work an approximate 16 hour day or more on Election Day OR share a position and work a split shift and attend a four to five hour paid training session. Early and Absentee Voting Official – Work at a voting station beginning 15 days prior to Election Day through Election Day. Questioned Ballot Review Board – Work at a regional elections office for approximately 15 days after an election reviewing and processing questioned ballots. Regional Accu-Vote Board – Work at a regional elections office before and after Election Day testing ballot counting equipment and counting ballots. Field Workers – On Election Day, provide assistance to polling places by helping with voting equipment and voting procedures. Absentee Ballot Review Board – Work at a regional elections office beginning seven days prior to an election through approximately 15 days after an election reviewing and processing absentee ballots. Absentee and Questioned Ballot Logger – Work at a regional elections office assisting with receipt (data entry) of absentee and questioned ballots. Election Night Workers – Workers who serve on Election Night at a regional elections office assisting with various activities such as receiving materials and answering telephones. Additional Qualifications Depending on the position, be willing to work two to four weeks during the election period, work election day and/or election night. Bilingual outreach workers and Bilingual Poll Workers are needed to provided language assistance to voters in local Native languages throughout communities in Alaska. Bilingual Outreach Worker Responsible to provide language assistance to voters completing a voter registration and absentee ballot application in the community.Provide pre-election outreach and language assistance to voters prior to Election Day to explain election information, including absentee voting (if available in your community) and review information in the election pamphlet.Make public service announcements on VHF (if available) to inform voters about election activities. The text of these announcements will be provided to you.Be available approximately six weeks prior to and on Election Day to provide language assistance to voters in your community.You can also serve as the Bilingual Poll Worker and work at the polling place on Election Day providing language assistance. Bilingual Poll Worker Be willing to work as an election worker for an approximate 16 hour day or more on Election Day.When needed, provide language assistance to voters during each step of the voting process. You may go into the voting booth to assist the voter.When needed, provide translation of any ballot measure text as it appears on the ballot using the translated sample ballot when providing assistance.Track and record the type of assistance provided. Additional Qualifications Must speak the language of the community you will be assisting voters. Your community needs YOU! The Youth at the Booth Program is designed to enliven your interest in the political process and help you learn your rights and responsibilities as a citizen. Work at polling places on Election Day by checking-in voters, confirming registration status and activating voting machines.Gain real-life experience that you may be able to apply towards a school project. Additional Qualifications Must be a high school student in good standing in a public, private or qualified home school program, be at least 16 years old and a U.S. citizen.Must be willing to remain non-partisan on Election Day and NOT express any political opinions while on the job. Registrars are qualified voters authorized by the Division of Elections to assist with the completion and verification of an applicant’s identity and the submission of voter registration forms to the Division of Elections. This is not a paid position. Help Your Community In rural communities, Alaska needs people who, in addition to English, are fluent in the local Alaska Native languages to provide language assistance during the registration process.Being a registrar is simple. The Division of Elections provides you with all the materials you need, including postage-paid return envelopes to send in completed voter registration applications. Registrar Handbook Responsibilities Registrars will witness each application making it effective the day it was signed instead of the date the division receives it. This can be extremely crucial close to or on voter registration cutoff deadlines.A registrar serves at the pleasure of the director and will be periodically evaluated based upon the completeness of the registration forms, timely filing of the registration forms and voter registration activity.Registrars must send completed voter registration forms to the election supervisor within five days of the voter completing the voter registration application. Community organizations can adopt a specific precinct for each election cycle by providing personnel to man the precinct on each Election Day as Election Officials and donate their earnings to a charitable organization of their choice or support their own fundraising efforts. Regional Election Offices provides the required training, supplies, equipment, and support.Organizations can earn $4,000 for election cycleAfter working one successful election cycle your group may qualify to adopt multiple precincts which increases your earning potential. What does it take to Volunteer? Volunteers must be registered to vote in the State of Alaska.Teams must be politically balanced based upon their registered party affiliation.All workers must attend mandatory training that occurs prior to each election.Election officials arrive to work by 6:30 a.m. and will remain approximately 1-2 hours after the polls close at 8:00 p.m.Choose Adopt-A-Precinct in the form below.Once your organization has been approved, you will need to identify a chairperson and at least three to six more officials to work depending on the size of the precinct. The number of officials needed at any site is determined by the Election Supervisor. Election Worker Application Name * Name First First Last Last Phone * Email * What Election Official position are you interested in? * Polling Place Workers Youth at the Booth Worker Bilingual Language Assistance Worker Registrar Adopt-A-Precinct Are you a current State of Alaska employee? * Yes No Group Name * Type of Group (PTA, 4-H, Rotary, etc.) * Preference Area * Select your Regional Office * Juneau – Region I (1 – 6) Southeast Alaska, Cordova, Seward, Southern Kenai Peninsula, and KodiakAnchorage – Region II (Districts 9 – 24) Municipality of Anchorage and WhittierFairbanks – Region III (Districts 31 – 36) Fairbanks North Star Borough and Interior AlaskaNome – Region IV (Districts 37-40) Northern, Western and Southwest Alaska, Aleutian Chain, Tyonek, Port Graham, and NanwalekMat-Su – Region V (Districts 7 – 8 and 25 – 30) Northern Kenai Peninsula, Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Valdez, Parks Highway, and Denali BoroughKenai – Region V Satellite (Districts 7 & 8) Northern Kenai Peninsula Your City or Community * Adak Akhiok Akiachak Akiak Akutan Alakanuk Alaska Gateway Alatna Aleknagik Aleutian Region Alexander Creek Allakaket Ambler Amchitka Anaktuvuk Pass Anchor Point Anchorage Anderson Angoon Aniak Annette Island Anvik Arctic Village Atka Atmautluak Atqasuk Attu Beaver Beluga Bering Strait Bethel Bettles Bettles Field Big Lake Birch Creek Bird Creek Boundary Brevig Mission Browerville Buckland Candle Cantwell Cape Newenham Cape Romanzof Central Chalkyitsik Chandalar Lake Chatham Chefornak Chenega Chevak Chickaloon Chicken Chignik Chignik Bay Chignik Lagoon Chignik Lake Chiniak Chisana Chistochina Chitina Chuathbaluk Chugach Chugiak Circle Circle City Clam Gulch Clarks Point Clear Clear Afs Clear Sfs Coffman Cove Cold Bay Coldfoot Colville Cooper Landing Copper Center Copper River Cordova Council Craig Crooked Creek Cube Cove Deadhorse Deering Delta Greely Delta Junction Denali National Park Dillingham Diomede Dot Lake Douglas Dry Creek Dutch Harbor Eagle Eagle River Eaglek Bay Eareckson AS Edna Bay Eek Egegik Eielson AFB Ekuk Ekwok Elfin Cove Elim Ellamar Elmendorf AFB Emmonak Ester Esther Island Eureka Evans Island Evansville Excursion Inlet Fairbanks Falls Bay False Pass Federal Ferry Flat Fort Greely Fort Richardson Fort Wainwright Fort Yukon Fortuna Ledge Funter Bay Gakona Galena Gambell Game Creek Girdwood Glennallen Golovin Goodnews Bay Granite Creek Grayling Gulkana Gustavus Haines Halibut Cove Hawk Inlet Hawkins Island Healy Healy Lake Hobart Bay Hollis Holy Cross Homer Hoonah Hooper Bay Hope Houston Hughes Huslia Hydaburg Hyder Iditarod Area Igiugig Iliamna Indian Indian Mountain AFS Ivanof Bay JBER Juneau Kachemak Kachemak Bay Kake Kaktovik Kalgin Island Kalskag Kaltag Karluk Kasaan Kashunamiut Kasigluk Kasilof Kenai Kennicott Kenny Lake Ketchikan Kiana King Cove King Salmon Kipnuk Kivalina Klawock Klukwan Kobuk Kodiak Kokhanok Koliganek Kongiganak Kotlik Kotzebue Koyuk Koyukuk Kupreanof Kupreanof Island Kuspuk Kwethluk Kwigillingok Lake Louise Lake Minchumina Larsen Bay Levelock Lime Village Livengood Lower Kalskag Lower Kuskokwim Lower Yukon Main Bay Mankomen Lake Manley Hot Springs Manokotak Marshall May Creek McCarthy McGrath Medfra Meiers Lake Mekoryuk Mendeltna Mentasta Mentasta Lake Mertarvik Metlakatla Meyers Chuck Minto Moose Creek Moose Pass Mountain Village Nabesna Naknek Nanwalek Napaimute Napakiak Napaskiak Naukati Bay Nelchina Nelson Lagoon Nenana New Stuyahok Newhalen Newtok Nightmute Nikiski Nikolai Nikolski Ninilchik Noatak Nome Nondalton Noorvik North Pole Northern Kenai Peninsula Northway Nuiqsut Nulato Nunam Iqua Nunapitchuk Old Harbor Oliktok Ophir Oscarville Ouzinkie Palmer Paxson Pedro Bay Pelican Perryville Petersburg Pilot Point Pilot Station Pitkas Point Platinum Point Baker Point Hope Point Lay Poorman Port Alexander Port Alsworth Port Armstrong Port Clarence Port Fidalgo Port Graham Port Heiden Port Lions Port Moller Port Protection Port Tongass Village Portage Portage Creek Pribilof Prudhoe Bay Puget Bay Quinhagak Rampart Red Devil Ruby Russian Mission Salcha Sand Point Savoonga Saxman Scammon Bay Selawik Seldovia Seward Shageluk Shaktoolik Sheep Mountain Shemya AFB Shishmaref Shungnak Silver Springs Sitka Skagway Skwentna Slana Sleetmute Soldotna Solomon South Naknek Southeast Island Southwest Sparrevohn AFB Squaw Harbor St George Island St Marys St Michael St Paul St Paul Island Stebbins Sterling Stevens Village Stony River Sutton Takotna Talkeetna Tanacross Tanana Tatitlek Tazlina Telida Teller Tenakee Springs Tetlin Thorne Bay Tin City Togiak Tok Toksook Bay Tolovana Tolsona Tonsina Trapper Creek Tuluksak Tuntutuliak Tununak Twin Hills Two Rivers Tyonek Ugashik Umiat Unakwik Inlet Unalakleet Unalaska Upper Kalskag Utqiagvik Valdez Venetie Wainwright Wales Ward Cove Wasilla Whale Pass White Mountain Whitestone Whitestone Logging Camp Whittier Willow Willow Creek Wiseman Wrangell Yakutat Yukon Flats Yukon-Koyukuk Are you at least 16 years old? * Yes No I am able to help: * Election Day at a polling place location Election night with return of election materials. As a ballot review official, during the day (approximately two to four weeks) As an absentee voting station official, during the day (approximately three days to two weeks) Election Day morning and evening to provide technical assistance with voting equipment As a field worker (rover) on Election Day Any way I can help Check all that apply I am available to work: Primary Election – August (even # years) REAA Election – October (every year) General Election – November (even # years) I speak the following languages fluently (other than English): If there are no vacancies now, may we contact you in the future? No Yes Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.