Political Parties and Groups in Alaska The Division produces a monthly report with the number of registered voters within each recognized political party and political group. This report is available on the Division of Elections web site or at any Division of Elections office. Statistics and Reports Registration Statistics by Party and PrecinctMore StatisticsDownload the List of Political Parties and Groups in Alaska Page updated: July 17, 2024 What’s the difference? Recognized Political Parties View Current Recognized Parties A recognized political party is an organized group of voters that represents a political program and has at least 5,000 registered voters in the state.References: AS 15.80.008; AS 15.80.010(27); 6 AAC 25.140 Political Groups View Current Political Groups A political group is an organized group of voters seeking status as a recognized political party. To obtain recognized political party status, a political group must file an application with the director of the Division of Elections requesting that the number of registered voters for their group be tracked. The director will recognize the group as a political party upon meeting the requirements of AS 15.80.008.A person who is registered as affiliated with a political group may file a declaration of candidacy, to appear on the primary election ballot, in the same manner as a person who is registered as affiliated with a political party.References: AS 15.80.008; AS 15.80.010(26) and (27); 6 AAC 25.140 Application for Political Party Recognition Limited Political Parties View Current Limited Parties A limited political party is a political group that organizes for the purpose of selecting candidates for electors for President and Vice President of the United States. A group may file a petition to become a limited political party, and maintains this status if its presidential candidate receives at least three percent of the votes.The petition must be submitted to the Division of Elections at least 90 days before a Presidential GeneralElectionReference: AS 15.80.010(16) and 15.30.025, and DOE Form B05P. Application for Limited Party Recognition Recognized Political Parties The following parties are currently recognized political parties in Alaska: Alaska Democratic Party Mike Wenstrup - Chair Physical Address:1500 W 33rd Street, Suite 210 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Mailing Address:PO Box 240207 Anchorage, Alaska 99524 Contact: Phone: (907) 258-3050 Fax: (907) 258-1626 Email: info@alaskademocrats.org Alaska Libertarian Party Nicholas Conrad - Chair Mailing Address:200 W. 34th Ave #543 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Contact: Phone: (907) 947-8247 Email: contact@alaskalp.org Alaska Republican Party Carmela Warfield - Chair Physical Address:1000 O’Malley Rd, #108 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 Mailing Address:P.O. Box 110707 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 Contact: Phone: (907) 868-1093 Email: admin@alaskagop.net Alaskan Independence Party John W. Howe - Chair Physical Address:2101 Old Steese Highway North Fairbanks, Alaska 99712 Mailing Address:PO Box 82447 Fairbanks, Alaska 99708 Contact: Phone: (907) 457-5722 Email: john@howeesmachine.com Political Groups The below organized groups have filed an application with the Division of Elections: Alaska Constitution Party Karen Murray - Chair Mailing Address:PO Box 940187 Houston, Alaska 99694 Contact: Phone: (907) 671-7168 Email: info@alaskacp.org Alliance Party of Alaska Hezekiah "Ky" Holland - Former Chair Physical Address:14020 Stover Place Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Mailing Address:14020 Stover Place Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Contact: Phone: (907) 727-2735 Email: chair@ak.theallianceparty.com FreedomReform Party G. “AK” Richardson - Chair Mailing Address:PO Box 8212 Reno, Nevada 89507 Contact: Phone: (775) 322-2224 Email: hrelsociety@gmail.com Green Party of Alaska Robert Shields - Chair Physical Address:145 Marten Dr. Fairbanks, Alaska 99712 Mailing Address:145 Marten Dr. Fairbanks, Alaska 99712 Contact: Phone: (907) 799-7045 Email: greenpartyalaska@gmail.com Moderate Party of Alaska Danny Alkasmi - Chair Mailing Address:2248 450th Avenue Wallinford, Iowa 51365 Contact: Phone: (712) 260-1755 Email: bolson18@gt.ratitans.org OWL Party James Jarrett - Chair Mailing Address:P.O. Box 140343 Anchorage, Alaska 99514 Contact: Phone: (907) 764-3960 Email: owlpartyak@gmail.com Patriot's Party of Alaska Nick Philo - Chair Mailing Address:2521 E. Mtn Village Drive Suite B PMB 756 Wasilla, Alaska 99654 Contact: Phone: (907) 521-3447 Email: chair@patriotspartyofalaska.org Progressive Party of Alaska Soni Biehl - Chair Mailing Address:351 Wilcox Road Trescott Township, Maine 04652 Contact: Phone: (207) 733-1095 Email: americanprogressiveparty2016@gmail.com UCES' Clowns Party David Fluhart - Chair Mailing Address:P.O. Box 1188 Lake Isabella, California 92340 Contact: Phone: (661) 972-1815 Email: 1uselessclown@gmail.com Veterans Party of Alaska Michael Blodgett - Chair Physical Address:3451 N. Bear St. Wasilla, Alaska 99654 Mailing Address:3451 N. Bear St. Wasilla, Alaska 99654 Contact: Phone: (907) 373-5864 Email: the_woodshop@ymail.com Limited Political Parties The following parties are currently recognized limited political parties in Alaska: