Petitions and Ballot Measures Active Petitions 23RCF2 Campaign Contribution Limits Petition Status: Petition properly filed Download petition documents 24ESEG Repeal the open primary and ranked choice general elections Petition Status: Application under review Petition Application Review Deadline: February 14, 2025 Download petition documents Ballot Measures on the Ballot 2024 General Election Ballot Measure No. 1 Official Election Pamphlet Ballot Measure No. 1 – 23AMLSAn initiative to increase Alaska’s minimum wage, provide workers with paid sick leave, and protect workers from practices that violate their constitutional rights. Listen to or download the official ballot measure language used on the ballot, as well as statements both opposing and supporting the ballot measure. Official Ballot Language (pdf)Listen to Ballot Language audio (mp3)Download Statement in Opposition (pdf)Listen to opposition statement (mp3)Download Statement in Support (pdf)Listen to support statement (mp3) Ballot Measure No. 2 Official Election Pamphlet Ballot Measure No. 2 – 22AKHEAn Act to get rid of the Open Primary System and Ranked-Choice General Election. Listen to or download the official ballot measure language used on the ballot, as well as statements both opposing and supporting the ballot measure. Official Ballot Language (pdf)Listen to part 1 audio (mp3)Listen to part 2 audio (mp3)Listen to part 3 audio (mp3)Download Statement in Opposition (pdf)Listen to opposition statement (mp3)Download Statement in Support (pdf)Listen to support statement (mp3) Ballot Measures Public Hearings 09.23.2024 – Ballot Measure 1 – initiative public hearing09.23.2024 – Ballot Measure 2 – initiative public hearing09.24.2024 – Ballot Measure 1 – initiative public hearing09.24.2024 – Ballot Measure 2 – initiative public hearing Petitions Search all Active and Inactive Petitions Search Petitions Petition Type (Required) * Initiative Recall Referendum Status (Optional) Petition Year (Optional) Petition Year (Optional) Petition Topic Petition Topic All Petition IDs Your request returned multiple entries, please select an ID to view * Your request returned multiple entries, please select an ID to view * Petition Topic (Short Title) If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Reset form The Petition ProcessInitiatives and ReferendumsReferendums and Initiatives are similar in that they are tools used by the people to affect the laws of the State of Alaska. An initiative petition is the process that is used to introduce and enact a law. A referendum is the procedure by which the people approve or reject an act of the legislature.Discover the Initiative and Referendum ProcessRecallsThe recall petition is the procedure by which the people may remove the governor, lieutenant governor, or members of the state legislature from office. In Regional Educational Attendance Areas (REAA), the members of a regional school board may also be recalled.Discover the Recall Petition Process Public Notice as required under AS 40.25.300(a) when signing a petition and providing personal informationUnder AS 15.45.090(6), the Division of Elections (DOE) requests that you provide the “personal information,” as defined in AS 40.25.350(2), identified in a petition booklet. The DOE will use the information to determine your voter registration status. In making this determination, the DOE may share the information with the Office of the Lt. Governor. You must provide the information; by not providing all the information, it will result in your signature not being counted towards the required number of signatures needed for the petition to be placed on the ballot. The information may be subject to inspection and copying under AS 40.25.110 – AS 40.25.120.To challenge, under AS 40.25.310, the accuracy or completeness of your personal information, send the following to the Division of Elections at or PO Box 110017, Juneau Alaska 99801-0017: (1) the records that contain the challenged personal information or a sufficient description of those records so that the agency can identify them; (2) a description of the challenged personal information; (3) the changes you believe will make the information accurate and/or complete; and (4) your name and the email or physical mailing address where DOE can contact you. The DOE is located at 240 Main Street, 4th Floor, Juneau Alaska. How to withdraw your signature from a petition Use the Signature Withdrawal Form to have your name removed from a referendum petition. Petition and Ballot Measure Histories The below links provides formal lists of all petitions and ballot measures that have been processed by the Division of Elections. Click on a listed item to view the pdf document. Use the search form above to view the details of a specific initiative, recall, or referendum petition. Advisory Votes, Propositions and Questions(Form H29)Bond Propositions(Form H30)Constitutional Amendments(Form H28)Initiative Petition(Form H26)Referendum Petition(Form H27)Recall Petition(Form 54)