Candidates Upcoming State Elections No Entries Found 2024 Offices up for Election How to File Your Candidacy Candidate QualificationsFile for a State ElectionFile for an REAA election Search by Election Use the search for below to search for candidates by Election or Contest. Search Candidates Form Election * 2024 General Election 2024 Primary Election 2022 SPECIAL GENERAL ELECTION FOR U.S. REPRESENTATIVE 2022 GENERAL ELECTION 2022 PRIMARY ELECTION Contest us-senate District * All Candidate Name Candidates are populated from a selected election. Search If you are human, leave this field blank. 2022 PRIMARY ELECTION Election Date August 16, 2022 Page last updated at: September 19, 2022 at 1:21 pm Updates will occur as they are received and processed. Please use your browser’s refresh function to view the most up-to-date information. Below is the final candidate list. General Information Candidacy Filing Deadline: 5:00pm . Candidate Withdrawal Deadline: 5:00pm . The last day to file as a candidate for the Primary Election is on or before 5:00 PM Wednesday June 1, 2022. The withdrawal deadline for a candidate to remove their name from the Primary Election ballot is Saturday June 25, 2022. Updates will occur as they are being received and processed. When watching the page, remember to “refresh” this screen using your browser’s refresh function to update the information you are viewing. UNITED STATES SENATOR Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Blatchford, Edgar (Registered Democrat) (Certified) Chesbro, Patricia R. (Registered Democrat) (Certified) (907) 232-3712 Email: Chesbroforalaska@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Chesbroforalaska.Com Darden, Dave H. (Undeclared) (Certified) (907) 513-2092 Email: Davedarden@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Davedarden.Com Darden, Dustin T. (Registered AK Independence) (Certified) (907) 884-5784 Email: Dustinbuildsthings@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Infowars.Com Gungurstein, Shoshana (Nonpartisan) (Certified) (907) 419-6914 Email: Info@Gungurstein.Com Website: http://Www.Gungurstein.Com Hill, Sidney “Sid” (Nonpartisan) (Certified) (907) 795-8582 Email: Sidhill57@Yahoo.Com Keller, Jeremy (Nonpartisan) (Certified) (907) 440-7972 Email: Jeremykellersenate@Mail.Lightingupthedarkness.Exposed Website: http://Lightingupthedarkness.Exposed Kelley, Buzz A. (Registered Republican) (Certified) Email: Info@Buzzforalaska.Com Website: http://Www.Buzzforalaska.Com Lee, Huhnkie (Undeclared) (Certified) (907) 717-3073 Email: Huhnkie@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Huhnkielee.Blogspot.Com Merrill, Samuel A. “Al” (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 444-8329 Email: Al@Merrillforak.Com Website: http://Www.Merrillforak.Com Murkowski, Lisa (Registered Republican) (Certified) Incumbent Email: Info@Lisamurkowski.Com Website: http://Www.Lisamurkowski.Com Nolin, Pat L. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 455-7821 Email: Pninolin@Gmail.Com Schiess, John (Registered Republican) (Certified) (715) 234-5353 Website: http://Www.John@Afact.Us Shorkey, Kendall L. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 764-0740 Email: Klshorkey45@Proton.Me Website: https://Klshorkey45.Wixsite.Com/Shorkey4Senate Speights, Karl W. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (757) 773-5406 Website: http://Www.Karlspeights4Alaskaussenate.Com Stephens, Joe T. (Registered AK Independence) (Certified) (757) 652-7689 Email: Joe.Stephens.Mail@Gmail.Com Taylor, Ivan R. (Registered Democrat) (Certified) Email: Taylor4Alaska@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Taylor4Alaska.Org Thorne, Sean M. (Registered Libertarian) (Certified) (907) 229-4848 Email: Seanthorne2022@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Picksean.Com Tshibaka, Kelly C. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 917-7996 Email: Info@Kellyforak.Com Website: http://Www.Kellyforak.Com Withdrawn Gray-Jackson, Elvi (Registered Democrat) (907) 230-0320 Email: Elvi@Elviforsenate.Com Website: http://Www.Elviforsenate.Com Withdrawn Little, Samuel A. (Registered Republican) (907) 355-3157 Withdrawn Wyatt, Shellie (Registered AK Independence) (907) 251-1770 Email: Wyatt4Alaska@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Wyatt4Alaska.Com No Entries Found