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The last day to file as a candidate for the Primary Election is on or before 5:00 PM Wednesday June 1, 2022. The withdrawal deadline for a candidate to remove their name from the Primary Election ballot is Saturday June 25, 2022. Updates will occur as they are being received and processed. When watching the page, remember to “refresh” this screen using your browser’s refresh function to update the information you are viewing. UNITED STATES SENATOR Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Blatchford, Edgar (Registered Democrat) (Certified) Chesbro, Patricia R. (Registered Democrat) (Certified) (907) 232-3712 Email: Chesbroforalaska@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Chesbroforalaska.Com Darden, Dave H. (Undeclared) (Certified) (907) 513-2092 Email: Davedarden@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Davedarden.Com Darden, Dustin T. (Registered AK Independence) (Certified) (907) 884-5784 Email: Dustinbuildsthings@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Infowars.Com Gungurstein, Shoshana (Nonpartisan) (Certified) (907) 419-6914 Email: Info@Gungurstein.Com Website: http://Www.Gungurstein.Com Hill, Sidney “Sid” (Nonpartisan) (Certified) (907) 795-8582 Email: Sidhill57@Yahoo.Com Keller, Jeremy (Nonpartisan) (Certified) (907) 440-7972 Email: Jeremykellersenate@Mail.Lightingupthedarkness.Exposed Website: http://Lightingupthedarkness.Exposed Kelley, Buzz A. (Registered Republican) (Certified) Email: Info@Buzzforalaska.Com Website: http://Www.Buzzforalaska.Com Lee, Huhnkie (Undeclared) (Certified) (907) 717-3073 Email: Huhnkie@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Huhnkielee.Blogspot.Com Merrill, Samuel A. “Al” (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 444-8329 Email: Al@Merrillforak.Com Website: http://Www.Merrillforak.Com Murkowski, Lisa (Registered Republican) (Certified) Incumbent Email: Info@Lisamurkowski.Com Website: http://Www.Lisamurkowski.Com Nolin, Pat L. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 455-7821 Email: Pninolin@Gmail.Com Schiess, John (Registered Republican) (Certified) (715) 234-5353 Website: http://Www.John@Afact.Us Shorkey, Kendall L. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 764-0740 Email: Klshorkey45@Proton.Me Website: https://Klshorkey45.Wixsite.Com/Shorkey4Senate Speights, Karl W. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (757) 773-5406 Website: http://Www.Karlspeights4Alaskaussenate.Com Stephens, Joe T. (Registered AK Independence) (Certified) (757) 652-7689 Email: Joe.Stephens.Mail@Gmail.Com Taylor, Ivan R. (Registered Democrat) (Certified) Email: Taylor4Alaska@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Taylor4Alaska.Org Thorne, Sean M. (Registered Libertarian) (Certified) (907) 229-4848 Email: Seanthorne2022@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Picksean.Com Tshibaka, Kelly C. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 917-7996 Email: Info@Kellyforak.Com Website: http://Www.Kellyforak.Com Withdrawn Gray-Jackson, Elvi (Registered Democrat) (907) 230-0320 Email: Elvi@Elviforsenate.Com Website: http://Www.Elviforsenate.Com Withdrawn Little, Samuel A. (Registered Republican) (907) 355-3157 Withdrawn Wyatt, Shellie (Registered AK Independence) (907) 251-1770 Email: Wyatt4Alaska@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Wyatt4Alaska.Com UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Heintz, Ted (Nonpartisan) (Certified) Email: Hughes, David (Undeclared) (Certified) (907) 978-4332 Email: Heedhughes@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Heedhughes.Com LeBlanc, Davis L. Jr. (Undeclared) (Certified) Lyons, Robert “Bob” (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 414-3178 Email: Bobforushouse@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Alaskansvotebob.Com Mettler, Sherry M. (Undeclared) (Certified) (907) 242-5282 Email: Mettlerforuscongress@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Mettlerforuscongress.Com Myers, J.R. (Registered Libertarian) (Certified) (907) 690-5200 Email: Jr@Johnrichardmyers.Com Website: http://Www.Johnrichardmyers.Com Ornelas, Robert (Am Indep Party) (Certified) (714) 808-2545 Email: Rbtornelas@Aol.Com Website: http://Www.Aipca.Com Palin, Sarah (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 631-0490 Email: Info@Sarahforalaska.Com Website: http://Www.Sarahforalaska.Com Pellegrini, Silvio E. (Undeclared) (Certified) Email: Rep.Silvio.Pellegrini@Gmail.Com Peltola, Mary S. (Registered Democrat) (Certified) (907) 206-7000 Email: Campaign@Marypeltola.Com Website: http://Www.Marypeltola.Com Phelps, Andrew H. (Nonpartisan) (Certified) (907) 440-6654 Email: A.H.Phelpsforcongress22@Gmail.Com Purham, Randy (Registered Republican) (Certified) (254) 345-0651 Email: Rpurham4Congress@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Rpurham4Us.Com Snowden, Brad (Registered Republican) (Certified) Snowden, Brad (Registered Republican) (Certified) Strizak, Sherry A. (Undeclared) (Certified) (804) 557-0777 Email: Alaskansforcongress@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Alaskansforcongress.Com Sweeney, Tara M. (Registered Republican) (Certified) Email: Info@Taraforalaska.Com Website: http://Www.Taraforalaska.Com Williams, Denise A. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 243-0418 Email: Dwilliams5Williams@Aol.Com Wilson, Tremayne (Nonpartisan) (Certified) (907) 440-4031 Website: Fb.Me/Tremaybewilson.4.Alaska.U.S.Representative Withdrawn Gross, Al (Nonpartisan) Email: Website: Withdrawn Hibler, William D. III “Bill” (Nonpartisan) Email: Website: Withdrawn Lowenfels, Jeff B. (Nonpartisan) (907) 229-5460 Email: Jeff@Gardener.Com Website: http://Www.Jefflowenfelsforcongress.Com Withdrawn Melander, Mikel E. (Registered Republican) (620) 330-1683 Email: Contractingmandm@Yahoo.Com Withdrawn Milligan, Mike (Registered Democrat) (907) 942-4402 Email: Mikemilligan74@Gmail.Com Withdrawn Revak, Joshua C. (Registered Republican) (907) 764-4280 Email: Josh@Joshrevak.Com Website: http://Www.Joshrevak.Com Withdrawn Wool, Adam (Registered Democrat) Email: Adamwoolforcongress@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Adamwool.Com SENATE DISTRICT A Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Sheldon, Mike (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 518-1121 Email: Michael@Sheldonforalaska.Com Website: http://Www.Sheldonforalaska.Com Stedman, Bert K. (Registered Republican) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 821-2378 Email: Bert.Stedman@Yahoo.Com SENATE DISTRICT B Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Kiehl, Jesse (Registered Democrat) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 209-7910 Email: Kiehlforsenate@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Kiehlforsenate.Com SENATE DISTRICT C Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Jones, Walter H. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 435-4838 Email: Website: Smith, Heath (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 299-8226 Email: Smithaksenate@Protonmail.Com Website: http://Www.Smithaksenate.Com Stevens, Gary (Registered Republican) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 317-0124 Email: Ritstev@Gci.Net SENATE DISTRICT D Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Babcock, Tuckerman (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 394-4910 Email: Info@Tuckermanbabcock.Com Website: http://Www.Tuckermanbabcock.Com Bjorkman, Jesse J. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 394-6796 Email: Votebjorkman@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Jessebjorkman.Com Cizek, Andy (Nonpartisan) (Certified) Withdrawn Micciche, Peter A. (Registered Republican) Incumbent (907) 398-6759 Email: Senator.Peter.Micciche@Gmail.Com SENATE DISTRICT E Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Cacy, Roselynn (Registered Democrat) (Certified) (907) 344-1261 Email: Roselynn4Ak@Gmail.Com Giessel, Cathy (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 242-5450 Email: Cgiessel@Icloud.Com Website: https://Giesselforalaska.Com Holland, Roger (Registered Republican) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 351-8277 Email: Voterogerholland@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Hollandforalaska.Com Withdrawn Cox, Mark A. (Registered Republican) (907) 406-4921 Email: Mark.Anthony@Macforanc.Com Website: http://Www.Macforanc.Com SENATE DISTRICT F Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Kaufman, James D. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 538-5262 Email: James@Kaufman4Alaska.Com Website: http://Www.Kaufman4Alaska.Com Park, Janice L. (Registered Democrat) (Certified) (907) 243-9873 Website: http://Www.Janiceforalaska.Com SENATE DISTRICT G Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Gray-Jackson, Elvi (Registered Democrat) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 230-0320 Email: Elvi@Gci.Net Website: http://Www.Friendsofelvi.Com Sanders, Marcus D. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 433-9610 Email: Mdelone01@Yahoo.Com Website: http://Www.Sandersforstatesenate.Com Withdrawn Henslee, Kathy (Registered Republican) (907) 330-9442 Email: Kathyhenslee@Gmail.Com SENATE DISTRICT H Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Claman, Matt (Registered Democrat) (Certified) (907) 350-3105 Email: Matt@Mattclaman.Com Website: http://Www.Mattclaman.Com Costello, Mia (Registered Republican) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 227-5276 Email: Miacostelloak@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Votemia.Com SENATE DISTRICT I Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Herndon, Heather (Undeclared) (Certified) (925) 276-2298 Email: Hm_Herndon@Icloud.Com Website: Tobin, Löki G. (Registered Democrat) (Certified) Email: Website: Withdrawn Begich, Tom (Registered Democrat) Incumbent Email: Info@Tombegichforalaska.Com Website: http://Www.Tombegichforalaska.Com SENATE DISTRICT J Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Cason, Drew (Registered Democrat) (Certified) (907) 575-2068 Email: Drewcason@Gmailc.Om Website: http://Www.Drewforalaska.Com Dunbar, Forrest (Registered Democrat) (Certified) (907) 570-2554 Email: Forrest@Forrestdunbar.Com Website: http://Www.Forrestdunbar.Com Satterfield, Andrew E. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 903-9900 Tarr, Geran (Registered Democrat) (Certified) (907) 360-4047 Email: Tarrforalaska@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Tarrforalaska.Com SENATE DISTRICT K Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Cunningham, John W. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 717-5952 Email: Johnc@Akcunningham.Com Website: http://Www.Akcunningham.Com Wielechowski, Bill (Registered Democrat) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 242-1558 Email: Wielechowski@Yahoo.Com Website: http://Www.Wielechowski.Org SENATE DISTRICT L Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information McCarty, Ken (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 406-2300 Email: Ken@Mccartyforalaska.Com Website: http://Www.Mccartyforalaska.Com Merrick, Kelly R. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 250-1443 Email: Contact@Kellyforakstatesenate.Com Website: http://Www.Kellyforakstatesenate.Com Trotter, Clayton (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 713-7330 Email: Claytontrotter@Gmail.Com Website: Wright, Joe (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 863-8476 Email: Wrightforalaska@Gmail.Com Website: https://Wrightforsenate.Com SENATE DISTRICT M Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Cooper, Jim (Registered Democrat) (Certified) (907) 707-3082 Hughes, Shelley (Registered Republican) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 841-1634 Email: Hughes@Alaskansforhughes.Com Website: http://Www.Alaskansforhughes.Com SENATE DISTRICT N Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Clayton, Scott D. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 350-9650 Email: Aksenscottclayton@Gmail.Com Website: Wilson, David S. (Registered Republican) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 360-1691 Email: Davidwilsonforsenate@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Davidwilsonforsenate.Com Wright, Stephen (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 203-1559 Email: Stephenwrightalaska@Gmail.Com Website: SENATE DISTRICT O Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Massie, Doug A. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 521-2323 Email: Doug@Massieforstatesenate.Com Website: http://Www.Massieforstatesenate.Com Shower, Michael K. (Registered Republican) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 244-6598 Email: Website: SENATE DISTRICT P Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Jafre, Alex N. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 799-9401 Email: Alex.Jafre@Gmail.Com Kawasaki, Scott (Registered Democrat) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 590-0315 Email: Scott.Kawasaki@Gmail.Com Matherly, Jim (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 460-1944 Email: Jimmatherlyforstatesenate@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Jimmatherly.Com SENATE DISTRICT Q Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Bennett, John D. (Nonpartisan) (Certified) (907) 750-8109 Email: Hydrojohn@Gmail.Com Myers, Robert H. Jr. (Registered Republican) (Certified) Incumbent Email: Myersalaska@Outlook.Com Website: http://Www.Myersforalaska.Com Serkov, Arthur P. (Registered AK Independence) (Certified) Email: Arthurserkov@Yahoo.Com SENATE DISTRICT R Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Bishop, Click (Registered Republican) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 978-8540 Verhagen, Elijah M. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 687-9904 Email: Verhagenforsenate@Gmail.Com Williams, Robert “Bert” (Registered AK Independence) (Certified) (907) 371-3290 Email: Bert.T.D.Williams@Gmail.Com SENATE DISTRICT S Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Hoffman, Lyman F. (Registered Democrat) (Certified) Incumbent Keppel, Willy (Registered Veterans Of Ak) (Certified) (907) 545-2899 Email: Willykeppel37@Gmail.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 01 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Bynum, Jeremy T. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 821-8683 Email: Info@Votebynum.Com Website: http://Www.Votebynum.Com Meggitt, Shevaun A. (Nonpartisan) (Certified) (907) 360-3592 Email: Meggitt4House@Yahoo.Com Ortiz, Daniel H. “Dan” (Nonpartisan) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 617-5116 Email: Ortiz4Akhouse@Gmail.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 02 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Himschoot, Rebecca (Nonpartisan) (Certified) (907) 738-6744 Email: Rebeccaforstatehouse@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Rebeccahimschoot.Com Skaflestad, Kenny (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 209-6080 Email: Kenkarl43@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Kennykarlforhouse.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 03 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Story, Andrea “Andi” (Registered Democrat) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 723-4198 Email: Andistoryforhouse@Gmail.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 04 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Hannan, Sara (Registered Democrat) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 463-3115 Email: Sara@Electsarahannan.Com Website: http://Www.Electsarahannan.Com Harmon, Darrell J. (Undeclared) (Certified) (907) 500-8381 Email: Darrell4House2022@Gmail.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 05 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Stutes, Louise B. (Registered Republican) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 486-8757 Email: Stutes@Gci.Net Website: http://Www.Stutes4Statehouse.Com Vincent, Benjamin T. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 406-0270 Email: Vincent4Alaska@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Vincent4Alaska.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 06 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Bryant, Ginger (Nonpartisan) (Certified) (907) 202-9704 Email: Gingerbryantforalaska@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Gingerbryantforalaska.Org Flora, Louis A. “Louie” (Nonpartisan) (Certified) (907) 717-9602 Email: Louie@Floraforhouse.Com Website: http://Www.Floraforhouse.Com Vance, Sarah L. (Registered Republican) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 299-7368 Email: Votesarahvance@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Sarahvance.Org HOUSE DISTRICT 07 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Gillham, Ronald D. “Ron” (Registered Republican) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 252-3878 Email: Gillhamforhouse@Yahoo.Com Website: http://Www.Gillhamforalaska.Com Ruffridge, Justin (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 953-3727 Email: Ruffridgeak@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Voteruffridge.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 08 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Carpenter, Ben (Registered Republican) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 513-6165 Email: Ben.E.Carpenter@Gmail.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 09 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Schaff, David L. (Registered Democrat) (Certified) (907) 336-4475 Email: Schaff4Alaskans@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Schaff4Alaskans.Com Shaw, Laddie H. (Registered Republican) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 317-2505 Email: Laddieshawforhouse@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Laddieforstatehouse.Com Withdrawn Castillo, Rick L. (Registered Republican) (907) 519-2754 Email: Rick@Rickforalaska.Com Website: http://Www.Rickforalaska.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 10 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Insalaco, Mikel E. (Registered Libertarian) (Certified) Email: Mikel@Housedistrict10.Com Website: http://Www.Housedistrict10.Com Johnson, Craig W. (Registered Republican) (Certified) Levi, Sue (Registered Democrat) (Certified) (907) 244-6700 Email: Sueleviforstatehouse@Yahoo.Com Website: http://Www.Sueleviforstatehouse.Com Storm, Caroline (Registered Democrat) (Certified) (907) 399-0582 Email: Caroline@Stromforstate.Com Website: http://Www.Stormforstate.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 11 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Bieling, Ross P. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 272-2446 Email: Coulombe, Julie (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 748-4377 Email: Website: Featherly, Walter T. (Nonpartisan) (Certified) (907) 802-9087 Email: Website: Withdrawn Sonne, Jennifer (Nonpartisan) (907) 787-9278 Email: Jenn@Jennifersonneforalaska.Com Website: http://Www.Jennifersonneforalaska.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 12 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information McDonald, Jay (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 602-1823 Email: Forrestjmcdonald@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Reopenalaska.Com Schrage, Calvin R. (Nonpartisan) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 240-8986 Email: Website: HOUSE DISTRICT 13 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Henslee, Katherine J. “Kathy” (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 330-9442 Email: Website: Huit, Timothy R. (Registered AK Independence) (Certified) (907) 744-4779 Website: http://Www.Huitstatehouse.Com Josephson, Andy (Registered Democrat) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 444-4408 Email: Andrewjosephson2003@Yahoo.Com Website: http://Www.Josephson4House.Com Withdrawn Tuck, Chris S. (Registered Democrat) (907) 344-3003 Website: http://Www.Tuckforalaska.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 14 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Danger, Nicholas (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 570-6066 Email: Nicholasdanger@Gmail.Com Galvin, Alyse S. (Nonpartisan) (Certified) (907) 231-5556 Email: Alyse@Alaskans4Alyse.Com Website: http://Www.Alaskans4Alyse.Com Withdrawn Wright, James B. “Jim” (Registered Democrat) (907) 952-2663 Email: Jimwrightstatehouse@Gmail.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 15 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Eibeck, David (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 519-1649 Email: Eibeckdavid@Gmail.Com McKay, Thomas W. “Tom” (Registered Republican) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 350-9544 Email: Tommckay@Gci.Net Website: http://Www.Mckayforalaska.Com Wells, Denny (Registered Democrat) (Certified) (907) 360-8608 Email: Denny@Dennywellsforalaska.Com Website: http://Www.Dennywellsforalaska.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 16 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Armstrong, Jennifer “Jennie” (Registered Democrat) (Certified) (504) 370-4001 Email: Jennie@Jennieforalaska.Com Website: http://Www.Jennieforalaska.Com Beckes, Richard “Rick” (Registered AK Constitution) (Certified) Email: Rbeckes.4Ak16@Proton.Me McKinney, Joel M. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 317-1977 Email: Joelmmckinney@Gmail.Com Vazquez, Liz (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 360-7191 Email: Liz@Lizvazquez.Us HOUSE DISTRICT 17 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Drummond, Harriet A. (Registered Democrat) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 952-7722 Email: Harriet@Harrietdrummond.Com Website: http://Www.Harrietdrummond.Com Fields, William Z. “Zack” (Registered Democrat) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 201-2895 Email: Zackfields@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Zackforalaska.Blogspot.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 18 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Franks, Lyn D. (Registered Democrat) (Certified) (907) 717-9443 Email: Lynfranksforstatehouse@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Lynfranksforstatehouse.Com Groh, Cliff (Registered Democrat) (Certified) (907) 952-3353 Email: Groh@Cliffgroh4Alaska.Com Website: Ww.Cliffgroh4Alaska.Com Nelson, David (Registered Republican) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 444-1731 Email: Nelsonforalaska@Yahoo.Com Website: http://Www.Nelsonforalaska.Com Denied Walker, David G. (Registered Republican) Does not meet residency requirements (907) 244-9560 Email: Skipperdude19@Msn.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 19 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Mina, Genevieve G. (Registered Democrat) (Certified) (907) 230-0411 Email: Genevieve@Alaskansforgenevieve.Com Website: http://Www.Alaskansforgenevieve.Com Wyatt, Russell O. (Registered Democrat) (Certified) (907) 205-2604 Email: Russellwyatt2019@Gmail.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 20 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Bauer, Paul A. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 952-2807 Email: Website: Gray, Andrew T. (Registered Democrat) (Certified) (907) 268-0151 Email: Andrewgrayak@Gmail.Com Website: Harary, Jordan I. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 244-1789 Email: Dreambigalaska@Protonmail.Com Kohlhaas, Scott A. (Registered Libertarian) (Certified) (907) 337-3171 Email: Scott4District20@Gmail.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 21 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Mears, Donna C. (Registered Democrat) (Certified) (907) 632-6382 Email: Donna@Mearsforalaska.Com Website: http://Www.Mearsforalaska.Com Sharrock, Patrick I. “Ian” (Nonpartisan) (Certified) (907) 250-4625 Email: Isharrock@Acsalaska.Net Wolfe, Forrest M. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 209-3051 Email: Forrestmwolfe@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Forrestwolfeforalaska.Com Denied Weiss, Ernest K. (Nonpartisan) Does not meet residency requirements (907) 570-4759 Email: Eweiss.Tech@Gmail.Com Website: Weiss4Alaska.Com Withdrawn Knox, Peter T. (Nonpartisan) (907) 231-7231 Email: Peterknox.Ak@Gmail.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 22 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Eischeid, Ted J. (Registered Democrat) (Certified) (920) 629-2058 Email: Ted4Ak@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Tedforalaska.Com Simpson, Lisa (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 441-0664 Email: Lisasimpson4Akhouse@Gmail.Com Wright, Stanley A. (Registered Republican) (Certified) Email: Wright4Alaska@Gmail.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 23 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Allard, Jamie (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 854-5349 Email: Jamieallard@Icloud.Com Website: http://Www.Allardforalaska.Com Branson, Roger L. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 252-5018 Email: Rogerbranson@Yahoo.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 24 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Jackson, Sharon (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 854-1469 Website: http://Www.Jacksonforalaska.Com Nelson, Daryl W. (Registered Democrat) (Certified) (907) 440-8220 Saddler, Dan (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 227-8484 Email: Dan@Dansaddler.Com Website: http://Www.Dansaddler.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 25 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Johnson, DeLena M. (Registered Republican) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 355-8866 Email: Johnson.Delena@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Electdelena.Com Wood, Lawrence D. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 982-4460 Email: Woodhd25@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Woodhd25.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 26 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Stokes, Daniel L. (Registered Libertarian) (Certified) (907) 748-6048 Email: Danielforalaska@Yahoo.Com Website: Tilton, Cathy L. (Registered Republican) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 232-2697 Email: Tilton4Statehouse@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Cathytilton.Com Withdrawn Reimann, Jessica (Registered Republican) (907) 414-1905 Email: Jreinman28@Yahoo.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 27 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Carpenter, Brendan R. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 671-3323 Email: Bcarp4299@Gmail.Com Eastman, David (Registered Republican) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 355-4759 Email: David@Davideastman.Org Website: Graham, Stuart R. “Stu” (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 214-1492 Email: Stugrahamforhouse@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Stugrahamforhouse.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 28 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Allen, Rachel M. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 982-3914 Email: Rachelallendistrict28@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Electrachelallen.Com Menard, Steve (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 232-6097 Email: Nardsee@Yahoo.Com Website: http://Www.Alaskanforstevemenard.Com Sumner, Jesse M. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 715-7288 Email: Jessesumnerdistrict6@Gmail.Com Wright, Jessica (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 203-9009 Email: Jessicawrightforalaska@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Jessicaforalaska.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 29 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Haase, Elijah D. (Nonpartisan) (Certified) (907) 201-7145 Email: Elijah4Alaska@Gmail.Com Rauscher, George (Registered Republican) (Certified) Incumbent Website: http://Www.Georgerauscher.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 30 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Holmes, Doyle E. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 373-8527 Email: Comet62@Gci.Net McCabe, Kevin J. (Registered Republican) (Certified) Incumbent Website: http://Www.Votekevinmccabe.Org Mindiola, L. Joy (Registered Democrat) (Certified) Email: Mindio99Ak@Gmail.Com Withdrawn Griffin, Joseph D. “Joe” (Registered Republican) (907) 354-8577 Email: Grif@Mtaonline.Net HOUSE DISTRICT 31 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Dibert, Maxine L. (Registered Democrat) (Certified) LeBon, Barton S. (Registered Republican) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 322-5637 Email: Blebon72@Gmail.Com Nash, Kelly (Registered Republican) (Certified) Email: Kellyn1112@Protonmail.Com Denied Wyatt, Shellie (Registered AK Independence) Does not meet residency requirements (907) 251-1770 Email: Msmoose75@Gmail.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 32 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Givens, Timothy W. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 590-4297 Email: Timothy.W.Givens@Outlook.Com Website: https://Facebook.Com/Soulcatcher6 Lawrence, Van (Registered Democrat) (Certified) (907) 388-7738 Email: Vanforstatehouse@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Vanlawrence.Net Stapp, Will B. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 717-1929 Email: Will@Willstappforalaska.Com Website: http://Www.Willstappforalaska.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 33 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Prax, Glenn M. “Mike” (Registered Republican) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 378-5667 HOUSE DISTRICT 34 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information DeMars, Nate (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 290-3070 Email: Demars.For.Ak@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Demars4Ak.Com Hopkins, Grier H. (Registered Democrat) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 347-2101 Email: Grier.Hopkins@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Grierhopkins.Com Tomaszewski, Frank J. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 347-2968 Email: Frank4Fairbanks@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Frank4Fairbanks.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 35 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Brown, Kieran C. (Registered AK Constitution) (Certified) (907) 251-6817 Email: Kierancbrown4Representative@Gmail.Com Carrick, Ashley E. (Registered Democrat) (Certified) (907) 987-7638 Email: Ashley@Ashleyforalaska.Com Website: http://Www.Ashleyforalaska.Com McKinley, Kevin (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 351-9886 McNeill, Ruben A. Jr. (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 347-5219 Email: Rubenmcneill907@Gmail.Com Parker, Tim (Nonpartisan) (Certified) (907) 347-6649 Email: Tparkerak@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Timforalaska.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 36 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Cronk, Mike (Registered Republican) (Certified) Incumbent Email: Cronkforalaska@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Mikecronkforstatehouse.Com Fowler, Angela K. “Fitch” (Registered Democrat) (Certified) (907) 322-5108 HOUSE DISTRICT 37 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Edgmon, Bryce (Undeclared) (Certified) Incumbent Email: Edgmon@Hotmail.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 38 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information McCormick, Conrad J. “C.J.” (Registered Democrat) (Certified) (907) 545-3865 Email: Cjmccormickalaska@Gmail.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 39 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Foster, Neal W. (Registered Democrat) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 443-2797 Email: Nealfosterforhouse@Yahoo.Com Website: http://Www.Fosterforhouse.Com Ivanoff, Tyler L. (Registered AK Independence) (Certified) (907) 880-1360 Email: Tylerivanoff4Statehouse@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Ivanoff4Alaska.Com HOUSE DISTRICT 40 Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Patkotak, Josiah B. “Aullaqsruaq” (Nonpartisan) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 319-9224 Email: Aullaqsruaqhd40@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Patkotakforhouse.Com GOVERNOR / LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Candidate Name on BallotCampaign AddressContactElection Pamphlet Information Dunleavy, Mike (Registered Republican) / Dahlstrom, Nancy (Registered Republican) (Certified) Incumbent (907) 290-7682 Email: Info@Dunleavygovernor.Com Website: http://Www.Dunleavygovernor.Com Gara, Les (Registered Democrat) / Cook, Jessica A. (Registered Democrat) (Certified) (907) 250-0106 Email: Lesgara@Gmail.Com Website: http://Www.Lesgara.Com Haeg, David S. (Registered Republican) / Coleman, S. Waynette (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 252-3303 Email: Swcburkhardt@Gmail.Com Howe, John Wayne (Registered Ak Independence) / Wyatt, Shellie (Registered Ak Independence) (Certified) (907) 457-5722 Email: John@Howeesmachine.Com Website: http://Www.Alaskansforjohnwaynehowe.Com Kurka, Christopher (Registered Republican) / Hueper, Paul (Registered Republican) (Certified) Website: http://Www.Christopherkurka.Com Nemec, William J. II (Undeclared) / Ostrem, Ronnie D. (Undeclared) (Certified) (907) 251-5506 Email: Williamjamesnemec52@Gmail.Com Pierce, Charlie (Registered Republican) / Grunwald, Edie (Registered Republican) (Certified) Email: Charlie@Charliepierceforgovernor.ComEmail: Toien, William S. “Billy” (Registered Libertarian) / Rainbolt Shirley A. (Registered Libertarian) (Certified) Walden, Bruce (Registered Republican) / Lange, Tanya (Registered Republican) (Certified) (907) 315-1028 Email: Brucewalden2022@Outlook.Com Website: http://Www.Walden-Lange2022.Com Walker, Bill (Nonpartisan) / Drygas, Heidi (Nonpartisan) (Certified) (907) 310-0753 Email: Admin@Walkerdrygas.Com Website: http://Www.Walkerdrygas.Com Withdrawn Cottrell, James A. V. “Jimmy” (Registered Republican) / Cottrell Brittany M. (Undeclared) (512) 508-5257 Email: Cottrelljimmy@Hotmail.Com No Entries Found