Election Calendar Search Election Calendar Events Search events by month JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember Search events by election 24GENR24PRIM24REAA23REAA If you are human, leave this field blank. Search Reset Date Event Notes Reference 01/01/2025 Absentee ballot applications may be filed beginning today for all elections in the calendar year. AS 15.20.081(b) AS 15.20.081(i) 42 U.S.C. 01/01/2025 New Year’s Day – Offices Closed AS 44.12.010 01/10/2025 REAA seats available for 2025 to be posted. (25REAA) 01/20/2025 Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday – Offices Closed AS 44.12.010 01/21/2025 First Day of the First Legislative Session for the 34th Legislature. AS 24.05.090 01/21/2025 Initiative petition filing deadline of 1:00pm, prior to the Legislature convening, to be eligile to appear on a future ballot. AS 15.45.150 AS 15.45.190 02/17/2025 President’s Day – Offices Closed AS 44.12.010 02/27/2025 Deadline to receive voter-initiated responses before purge. 03/02/2025 Registration deadline for the Municipality of Anchorage Election. 03/09/2025 Spring Forward to Daylight Savings Time Change – Lose 1 Hour. 03/31/2025 Seward’s Day – Offices Closed AS 44.12.010 03/31/2025 Deadline for Alaskan’s to apply for their PFD. AS 15.07.050 (a) AS 15.07.060 (e) AS 15.07.070 AS 43.23.015-17 04/01/2025 Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) regular election. 04/20/2025 Easter Sunday 04/20/2025 90th Day of Session. Adjournment Day per Alaska Statutes. Alaska Constitution allows for 120 Day Legislative session. AS 24.05.150 Constitution Art. II, Sec. 8 05/20/2025 120th Legislative day if extended. AS 44.12.010 05/26/2025 Memorial Day – Offices Closed AS 44.12.010 07/04/2025 Independence Day – Offices Closed 07/15/2025 Deadline for REAAs to notify Director of Elections of vacancies. (25REAA) 6 AAC 27.015 08/01/2025 Deadline for Candidates to file for 25REAA (25REAA) 6 AAC 27.035(b) 08/06/2025 Last day to receive complaints of the eligibility of candidates. (25REAA) 6 AAC 27.037 08/20/2025 Withdrawal deadline for REAA candidates. (25REAA) 6 AAC 27.035(e) 08/22/2025 Post English Sample Ballots to web. (25REAA) 09/01/2025 Labor Day – Offices Closed AS 44.12.010 09/07/2025 Deadline for voters to register to vote or update their registration for REAA and for local municipalities that have an October 7th election. (25REAA) AS 15.07.010 AS 15.07.070 c-d 09/07/2025 Deadline to post translated sample ballots on web. (25REAA) 09/12/2025 Target Date to mail REAA ballots. (25REAA) 09/22/2025 Absentee in-person and special needs voting begins for REAA. (25REAA) AS 15.20.045 AS 15.20.061 6 AAC 27.050(b) 09/22/2025 By-mail voters may request a replacement ballot by-fax if by-mail ballot not received. (25REAA) 09/27/2025 Deadline to receive absentee by-mail applications for REAA. (25REAA) 6 AAC 27.050(a) 10/02/2025 Deadline for write-in candidate to submit a letter of intent. (25REAA) AS 15.25.105(c) 6 AAC 27.036 10/07/2025 REAA ELECTION DAY. Polls open 8am to 8pm. (25REAA) AS 14.08.071(b) 6 AAC 27.010 10/07/2025 Deadline for by-mail ballots to be postmarked. (25REAA) AS 15.20.081(e) 10/13/2025 Federal Holiday – Indigenous Peoples Day (Columbus Day) – No mail service. 10/17/2025 Deadline to receive by-mail ballots mailed from within the U.S. (25REAA) AS 15.20.081(e) 10/17/2025 Final regional count of Absentee and Questioned ballots. (25REAA) 6AAC 27.060(b) – (d) 10/22/2025 Deadline to receive by-mail ballots mailed from overseas addresses. (25REAA) AS 15.20.81(h) 10/24/2025 Target date to certify the REAA Election. (25REAA) 6AAC 27.080 6AAC 27.130 10/29/2025 Deadline to receive an application for recount within 5 days after certification of the election if certified on target date. (25REAA) AS 15.20.430 11/02/2025 Fall Back to Standard Time – Gain 1 Hour 11/03/2025 Deadline for an election contest to be filed in superior court. (25REAA) AS 15.20.540 AS 15.20.550 11/11/2025 Veterans Day – Offices Closed AS 44.12.010 11/25/2025 Christmas Day – Offices Closed 11/27/2025 Thanksgiving Day – Offices Closed AS 44.12.010