At least 18 years of age or within 90 days of your 18th birthday.
Not be a convicted felon involving moral turpitude, unless your voting rights have been restored.
Not be registered to vote in another state unless you are willing to cancel your registration in that state.
Who Can Vote?
You may vote if:
You are a United States citizen.
Are 18 years of age or older.
Have been a resident of the state and of the election district that you seek to vote for at least 30 days before an election.
Have registered to vote on or before the registration deadline; and are not registered to vote in any other jurisdiction.
What are Alaska Residency Requirements?
For voting purposes, you are considered an Alaska resident if you reside in the state and intend to remain a resident or, if you temporarily leave the state, you have intention to return (Active military members, spouses or dependents are exempt from the intent to return requirement).