Election Dates, Locations and Times

  • Election dates, voting locations and times will be announced for each local l iquor option election as they are scheduled.

  • Visit the Special Local Elections status page for current and past special local elections.

About Local Liquor Option Elections

  • Elections to adopt a local option under Alaska Statute 04.11.491 , change a local option under Alaska Statute 04.11.493, or remove a local option under Alaska Statute 04.11.495, are conducted as required in Alaska Statute 04.11.507 – 04.11.509, Title 6 Alaska Administrative Code 27.165 and Title 6 Alaska Administrative Code 27.170.

  • The Division of Elections reviews local liquor option petitions for an established village submitted under Alaska Statute 04.11.507. A local liquor option petition must be signed by 35 percent or more of the registered voters residing within an established village. Once a petition has been certified, the question to add, remove or change a local liquor option in an established village is placed on a special election ballot.

  • Registered voters residing within the established village may vote on the local option question and must be registered to vote in the jurisdiction of the election at least 30 days prior to the date of the election. The election will be conducted under Alaska Statute Title 15.

  • Persons interested in organizing a petition for a local option may obtain information on petition requirements by contacting the Division of Elections.

  • Local liquor option petitions and elections within a municipality are conducted by the local governing body of a municipality. For more information on local option elections within a municipality, please visit the Division of Community and Regional Affairs website.