Hooper Bay Yup'ik Audio Glossary

Hooper Bay Yup'ik Word English Word
Cataitarkaulriit Cucuklirrsuutiit

Definition: The ballot you vote when you are not at the polling place.
Absentee Ballot
Cataitarkaulriim imirarkaa cucuklirrsuuteryugluni

Definition: Form you fill out to request an absentee ballot to be sent to you.
Absentee Ballot Application
Cataitarkaulriim cucuklirrsuutekaan caqua

Definition: Envelope used to place a voted absentee ballot for return to the Division of Elections.
Absentee ballot envelope
Cataitarkaulriim cucukliumaurallerkaa

Definition: Voting ahead of time not at a polling place.
Absentee Voting
Cucukliumaurallerkaq tuyuqluku-llu fax -akun

Definition: Sending voted absentee ballot by Fax machine.
Absentee Voting by Fax
Cataitarkaukuni cucukliumauralleq internet-akun

Definition:Sending voted absentee ballot by Fax machine.
Absentee voting by Internet
Cataitarkaukuni cucukliumauralleq tuyuqluku-llu kalikivigkun

Definition: Sending voted absentee ballot by mail.
Absentee Voting by Mail
Cataitarkaulriit cucuklirillratneng calista

Absentee Voting official
Cataitarkaulriit tungaunateng cucukliumaurallerkaat

Definition:Voting ahead of time in person.
Absentee Voting in Person
Ikayuanarqelriit cucuklillerkaata piyuumarivkallerkaat

Definition:Making voting possible for disabled voters.
Alerquuciurtet alerquutngurtellrat

Definition:A statute or law passed by a legislature.
Ilaqaun (ilaqautek/t)

Definition:Something added; an addition.
Alaska-rmiu Cucukliryuumalria

Definition: A person who lives in Alaska and whose permanent home is in Alaska.
Alaska Resident
Allatgun cucukliryuumalleq

Definition:Other ways of voting.
Alternative voting methods
Alerquun kituggluku

Definition:To alter, change, or fix a law.
Alerquutmeng kitukaniun

Definition:The alterations or fixes of a law.
Alerquutem kitukaniutii

Definition:To make a change to existing law.
Amend Current Law
Qanercetaarviim tunglia quyinrulria curvinqiggvik

Definition: Any higher court where a person appeals a decision by a lower court.
Appellate Court/ Court of Appeals

Definition:Help or aid
erinairaq cucuklirrsuun

Definition:An audio recording of a Ballot.
Audio Ballot

Definition:A device/paper used to make a voting selection.
Cucuklirrsuutet imiumalriit assigtaat

Definition:Place where you put your voted ballot.
Ballot Box
cucuklirrsuutem caqua

Definition:A flat paper container for a Ballot.
Ballot Envelope
Apyun alerquutngurcuumalria cuuget cucukekatgu

Definition:A question appearing on the ballot about a new law.
Ballot Measure
Cucuklirrsuuteg imiumalriameng naaqissuun

Definition:A machine that reads a ballot to see if it was filled out properly.
Ballot Scanner
Paivtaq alerquuciurtenun alerquutngurcesqumayaaqluku

Definition:A form or draft of a proposed statute presented to a legislature, but not yet enacted or passed and made law.
cuurtellrem erenra

Definition:The day on which someone was born
State-am navrallri akineng cugneng pikangqellrianeng akquterluni cimi- rarkauluki ilaqaucirluki

Definition:Any interest-bearing or discounted government or corporate security that obligates the issuer to pay the bondholder a specified sum of money, usually at specific intervals, and to repay the principal amount of the loan at maturity
State-aq Bond-aliyugluni cucuklirrsuuti apyun

Definition:A question appearing on the ballot about issuing a government bond.
Bond Proposition

Definition: The competition by rival political candidates for a public office.
taq’i-, arulair-, pinricenar-, pinritn?gurte-*

Definition: To make void or revoke.

Definition: Person you can vote for.
cucukecetaalriim qanellra

Definition: Statement submited to the State of Alaska as to why they’re running for Office.
Candidate Statement

Definition: Definition not given
Candidates for Elected Office

Definition: The official choice that one makes in an election.
Cast a Ballot/ Ballot Cast/ Vote
Cucuklirrsuutiin curvirnarqellra cucuklillrem cucukliryuumacia ayguranaqngan

Definition: A ballot with questions about a given voter’s eligibility.
Challenged or Provisional Ballot
Cimirluku political party-mun ilagausngalleq

Change in Party/ Political Affiliation
Uitaviim cimillra (Address-am cimillraa

Change of Address
Atrem cimillra

Change of Name
cucu- (cucuklir-)*

Definition: To make a choice or select from two or more possibilities (to vote)
U.S.-armiuq wall’u-qa U.S.-armiungurtelleq. (U.S.-armiutun piyunarqucirluni, cucukliryuumaluni-llu)

Definition: A native or naturalized member of a state or nation who owes allegiance to its government and is entitled to its protection.
umeg- , umguma-, palute-, palusnga-

Definition: Cause something not to be open.
Nunarpamta alerquuciurtai Alerquuciurtet Nunarpamteni Congress-aaq

Definition: The national legislative body of the U.S.
State-amta Nunarpamta-llu alerquutegkenka tuynganrit

Definition: The system of fundamental principles according to which a nation, state, or the like is governed.
Nunarpamta State-amta-llu alerquutain iliita kitukaniutii

Definition: Making a change to the constitution.
Constitution Amendment
Delegate-at quyurtellrat alerquutneng kitukaniringnaqluteng

Definition: A meeting of delegates to adopt a new constitution or to revise an existing constitution.
Constitutional Convention
Naaqumalleq cucuklirrsuun

Definition: To count a voted ballot.
Count/Counted Ballot
Taqlerkiuraq, cuq’liun, umllerkiuraq, engelkiuraq

Definition: The time by which something must be finished or submitted.
Cataitarkaulriit cucuklirrsuuteryullerkaata umllerkiuraa

Deadline for Applying for Absentee Ballot
Cucukliriyaurcugluni imirillerkam taqlerkiuraa/cuq’liutii/umllerki- uraa/engelkiuraa

Deadline for Registering to Vote
Cucukecetaaryulriim imirarkaa Division of Elections-aani / Cucukliryaraliurteni

Definition: A form that a candidate files with the Division of Elections so that they can run for office.
Declaration of Candidacy
Ikayurnarqelriit ellmeggneng-llu pisciigalnguut

Definition: Physically or mentally impaired person.
Disabled / Disability

District (Election District)
Qanercetaarvik; District Court-aq

Definition: A trial court of limited jurisdiction established by judicial district.
District Court
Qanercetaarvigmi cuqcista; District Court-ami cuqcista

Definition: Person who rules on cases brought to a district court.
District Court Judge
Division of Elections-aat; Cucukliryaraliurtet

Definition: Agency responsible for conducting the election.
Division of Elections

Definition: Voting before Election Day.
Early Voting

Definition: To choose or select by vote.

Definition: Event where you vote for people.
Cucuklirvigni calilriit

Definition: People responsible for the election in the polling place.
Election Board/Officials
Al’rrakumi ernerkiurat cucuklillerkaanun

Definition: A calendar that lists elections in a year.
Election Calendar
"Cucuklirnarillrem ernera;

Definition: The day that elections are held.
Election Day
Cucuklillerkam nallunritarkai

Definition: Information about an election.
Election Information
Cucuklirviliurtet;Cucuklirvigmi calista (/tet)

Definition: People who work in the polls during Elections
Election Official
Cucuklircitaallret naaqutait

Definition: Number of votes a candidate(s) gets.
Election Results
Cucukesqumakinun cucukisqelluku

Definition: Telling people to vote for a certain candidate.
Cucukliriyaram ayagyaraa ayagnillraneng iquklitellranun

Definition: The Election process from beginning to end.
Electoral Process
(pb) –yuuma**

Definition: Qualified

Definition: A flat paper container for letters or packet of paper.

Definition: A document with spaces in which to write or enter data or information.
Cucuklirpagyaraq November-aami (General Election-aq, Cucuklirpagyaraq 2018)

Definition: Election held in November
General Election
Atanirturilriit aciatgun Bond-at

Definition: A municipal bond issued by a state, local government, or other political subdivision of a state backed by the full faith and credit of the issuing entity. This includes the taxing and further borrowing power of the entity.
General Obligation Bonds
Alaska-m Atanra

Definition: Person who is the head of the state.

Definition: A person who is hard of hearing.
Hearing impaired
Yuum kituucian asguranairutii ID-q

Definition: Proof of who a person is.
Cucukumallrem aug’aumallra calicurlallra pitekluku

Definition: To remove from office for misconduct.
aug’arcetaaryaraa Cucukumallrem calicurlallra pitekluku

Definition: To accuse (a public official) before an appropriate tribunal of misconduct in office
Impeachment Process
Cucuklitulim kalikartaan arulaircicimaqallra atuqsailan qayutuni al’rrakuni

Definition: When a voter’s registration is no longer active.
Inactive Voter Registration

Definition: Knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact.
Cucuklitulit paivciyumallrat cucukliryumallrat-llu alerquutngurtesqumalriameng

Definition: A process by which voters may introduce and vote on a proposed law.
Cucukliryuumalriit alerquutekameng ayagniriyaraat cucuklirrsuutun elliarkameng

Definition: A process registered voters/private citizens use to place a ballot measure on the ballot.
Initiative Petition

Definition: A public officer authorized to hear and decide cases in a court of law.
Cuqcisteneng curvirilriit qel’kesqumayaaqluku wall’u-qa augasqumayaqluku

Definition: Definition not given.
Judicial Council Recommendation
Qanercetaarviim District-aara

Definition: Geographical Region covered by the court’s jurisdiction.
Judicial District
Cucuklitulit cucuklillrat cuqcistem pulengcitlerkaaneng wallu-qa pulengcitenritlerkaaneng

Definition: Confirmation by the voters for judges.
Judicial Retention
Cucukliryaraq cuqcisteneng pulenglluteng calillerkaitneng wall’u-qa au?gaumallerkaitneng

Definition: In judicial retention vote, voters are asked to choose between electing the incumbent judge to a further term in office (i.e. voting in favor of "retention") or voting against.
Judicial Retention Election
Cugtun mumigcisteeng ikayungcalleq

Definition: Getting help from a person who speaks Yugtun.
Language Assistance

Definition: The rules adopted by a government.
Alerquutngurcesqumalria paivtaq Alerquuciurtenun

Definition: A proposed law appearing before the Legislature for consideration.

Definition: A group of elected State Representatives and State Senators who are empowered to make, change or repeal the laws of the country or state.
Alerquuciurtet caliviat

Definition: Place where elected law makers work.
Legislative Office/Agency
Alerquuciulriit caliarita nalqiguutiit

Legislative Affairs Agency Summary
Alaska-m Atanran Tunglia / Lieutenant Governor-aaq

Definition: Elected official who is serving as deputy to the Governor of a state.
Lieutenant Governor
Cucukliryuumalriit atrita alngauyngalriit al’rrakuaqan cuvriumallrat

Definition: Yearly review of voter registration records.
List Maintenance
Cucukliryuumalriit igauyngaviatni atret

Definition: A list of people who can vote in elections
List of Registered Voters

Definition: Letters that are sent or delivered by means of the postal system.
Kalikivigmi address-aan

Definition: Place where you get your mail
Mailing Address
Neutral Summary HBC.wav

Definition: An explanation of what a ballot measure means.
Neutral Summary
Nominate HBC.wav

Definition: To propose (someone) for appointment or election to an office.
Political Party-nun naliatnun ilagauynganrilnguq]]

Definition: Not supporting one political party or group over another.
Cucuklillerkam nallunairutii

Definition: An announcement that an election will occur.
Notice of Election
Cucuklitulinun nallunairun

Definition: An announcement to people who can vote
Notice to Voters

Definition: The forms of words in which a promise is made.

Definition: 1. Place of work to conduct business.
2. A position of duty, trust, or authority in the government.
Cucukesqumalriit alerquutngurcuumalrit-llu kalikaariit

Definition: Pamphlet sent to voters with information about candidates and ballot measures.
Official Election Pamphlet

Definition: To render the interior (of a house/establishment) readily accessible.
Massiinaq imiumalrianeng cucuklirrsuutneng naaqissuun

Definition: A machine used to read marked paper ballots and tally the results.
Optical Scan
Qitevngaluaqanrilnguut paivcilluki ikayurtekaitneng

Definition: Providing oral language assistance to voters who have limited English proficiency.
Oral Language Assistance
Mumigcimalrianeng paivcista

Definition: A worker’s activity or process of bringing information or services [in the Native Language] to people.
Outreach Worker
Kalikaq Cucuklirrsuun

Definition: Ballot printed on paper.
Paper Ballot
Cucuklirvigcesciigalnguut kev'gaat

Definition: Person the voter asks to bring them a ballot if they cannot make it to the polls.
Personal Representative
Kaigan ca piurcesqumaluku wall’u piurcesqumavkenaku

Definition: A formally drawn request that is addressed to persons in authority or power.
Political Party-mun ilagauyngalleq

Definition: Being a part of a group of people having a common political purpose or interest.
Political Party Affiliation
cucuklirvigmi calista/calilria

Definition: A person who works at a place of voting.
Poll Worker

Definition:Place where you go to vote.
Polling Place/Poll
Cucuklirviit ikingqallerkiurait

Definition: The set hours that a voting place will be open.
Polling Place Hours/Poll Hours

Definition: A small gummed label issued by postal authorities as evidence that postal charges have been paid.
Postage Stamp
Ayagcitarkam unakellran erniutii kalikivigmi

Ayagcitarkam unakellran erniutellra kalikivigmi

Definition: The stamping of the date on an envelope when it is received by the USPS Office.
Cucuklirrsuumalriit atrita igauyngaviat

Definition: List of voter names used at the polling place on election day
Precinct Register

Definition: Election to decide which candidates get to appear on the General election ballot.
Primary Election
Paivtaq civuniuresqumaaluku/ Proposal-aq

Definition: The act of offering or suggesting something for acceptance or adoption.
Paivtaq civuniuresqumaaluku/ Proposition-aq

Definition: The act of offering or suggesting something to be considered, accepted or adopted.
Alerquutn?gurrnaluku paivcimalria tau?gaam piurteksaunani.

Definition: A new law that has been introduced, but not yet adopted.
Proposed Law
Cucukliryuumalriit atrita igauyngaviatni uitanrilnguut cucuklirrsuutiit.

Definition: Ballot issued to voters whose name is not on the precinct register.
Questioned Ballot
Cucukliryuumalriit atrita igauyngaviatni uitanrilnguut cucuklirrsuutiit.

Definition: Envelope where the voter places his or her voted questioned ballot.
Questioned Ballot Envelope
Cucuklitulim cucuklirrsuutiin curviumallra ilii naaqumayuumatassiirluku

Definition: A voter voting a questioned ballot to determine if any part of his/her ballot can be counted.
Questioned Voting
Cucuklitulit civuniuryuumallrat wall’u-qa civuniunritellrat alarquuciuraatneng alerquuciurtet

Definition: The process where voters can approve or reject a law that was proposed or passed by the Legislature.
REAA School Board-arkaneng Cucukliryaraq

Definition: Election where people select school board members.
Regional Educational Attendance Area Election (REAA)
Division of Elections-at office-aarita iliit

Definition: One of the Division of Election offices in charge of a specific region.
Regional Elections Office

Definition: Person who can vote in elections
Registered Voter
cucukliriyaurcugluni imiriyaraq

Definition: To fill out paperwork/forms for the specific purpose of being allowed to vote in elections.
Register to Vote
Cucukliryaurrnaluteng imirilrianeng piyunarquciumalria calista

Definition: A person who is authorized to witness the application.
Cucukliryaurculriim imirillerkaan taqlerkiuraa/cuq’liutii/umllerkiuraa/engelkiuraa

Definition: The date before an election that a person must be registered by in order to be able to vote.
Registration Deadline
Uitaviin (enen wall’uqa nunan)

Definition: Place where someone lives.
Uitaviin/address-aan Uitavigpet/nev’et address-aara

Definition: The address of the place where you live.
Residence Address
Kitugutkangengnaqellrat / Resolution-aaq

Definition: a formal expression of opinion or intention made by a formal organization, a legislature, or other groups.
Envelope-aq aturluku qipcit’ssuun

Definition: The envelope used to mail a voted ballot to the Division of Elections.
Return Mailing Envelope
Cucuklirrsuutem ayuqai

Definition: Example of what appears on the ballot.
Sample Ballot
Elitnaurviit ciuliqagtait / School Board-at

Definition: People who represent the school district.
School Board
Tangrrumaarkaunrilnguum caqua

Definition: A cover used for voted ballots to keep people from seeing how the voter marked the ballot.
Secrecy Sleeve
imiran sign-arluku

Definition: Definition not given
Sign the Form/Sign the Application
Aterpet sign-allra/nallunailkutii

Definition: A person's name written in his/her handwriting
Pisciigalnguut ukisqiurnarqellriit-llu cucuklircuutiit

Definition: The ballot used by a voter who cannot vote at the polling place due to age, illness or a disability.
Special Needs Ballot
Ikayurnarqelriit cucukliryaraat

Definition: Type of voting for disabled people.
Special Needs Voting
Cucuklirrsuun imicurlaumalria (cimirnaqluni)

Definition: A ballot that is mismarked and has to be reissued.
Spoiled Ballot
State-am alarquutain tuynganrit

Definition: A State’s system of fundamental principles according to which it is governed.
State Constitution
Cingumavvkenaku qanruyun alerquutngurcuumalria

Definition: Words that describe why a person should reject something.
Statement in Opposition
Cingumaluku qanruyun alerquutngurcuumalria

Definition: Words that describe why a person should approve something
Statement in Support
Alerquutekam akitutallerkaa piciureskan

Definition: A statement of how much a law will cost the State if an initiative becomes a law.
Statement of Costs
(Alaska-mi) State Representative-aq

Definition: Person who serves the voters in a house district.
State Representative
(Alaska-mi) State Senator -aq

Definition: Person who serves the voter in a senate district.
State Senator
Qanercetaarviim Quyinra

Definition: A trial court of general jurisdiction.
Superior Court
Qanercetaarviim quyinrani Cuqcista

Definition: Person who rules on cases brought to court.
Superior Court Judge
Qanercetaarviit Quyinrat/Supreme Court-aq)

Definition: A group of judges that reviews the rulings of other courts.
Supreme Court
Qanercetaarviit Quyinratni Cuqcista; Supreme Court-ami Cuqcistet iliit; Supreme Court-ami Cuqcista

Definition: One of a group of judges that reviews the rulings of other courts.
Supreme Court Judge
Akilirnailnguq number-aq qayagaurrsuun

Definition: A phone number that can be called free of charge.
Toll Free (number)
Kenket'aarluni cucuklirrsuun

Definition: Ballot on a voting machine.
Touch Screen Ballot
qanruteksuuminaku Political Party-nun ilagauyngallni

Definition: A publically unannounced political affiliation.
United States-aarmiu wall’u United States-aarmiungurtelleq

Definition: A person born or naturalized in the U.S.
United States Citizen
Nunarpamta United States-aam Atanra

Definition: Person who is the head of the country.
United States President
United States Representative-aq Alaska-meng kingunelek

Definition: Person who represents Alaska in the United States Congress.
United States Representative
United States Senator-aq Alaska-meng kingunelek

Definition: Person who represents Alaska in the United States Senate.
United States Senator
Nunarpamta U.S.-am alerquutain tuynganrit

Definition: The U.S.’s system of fundamental principles according to which it is governed.
U.S. Constitution
United States-am ataneruara

Definition: Person who serves under the President.
Cataitarkaulriit cucukliumaurallrat ayagcelluku-llu kalikivigkun

Vote Absentee by Mail
Cataitarkaulriit tungaunateng cucukliumaurallerkaat

Vote Absentee in Person
Cucuklia, cucuklilleq, cucukliryaraq

Definition: To express or signify will or choice by casting a ballot.
Cucuklilleq curvirnarqelriakun cucuklirsuutekun

Vote a Questioned Ballot

Definition: A person who votes
Cucuklitulit ikayuit

Definition: Help voters receive/get.
Voter Assistance
Cucukliryuumalriim ID-ra; Cucuklircuun ID-q

Definition: A card issued to a person who is eligible to vote in elections.
Voter Identification Card
Nallunritarkat cucuklitulineng

Definition: Information regarding a voter’s or voters’ record(s).
Voter Information
"Cucuklitulim nampaa

Definition: A number assigned to a person who votes.
Voter Number
Cucuklitulim cucukliryuumallra

Definition: A circumstance or condition required by law for a person to exercise the right to vote.
Voter Qualifications
Cucukliryaurcugluni imirilleq

Definition: Information about a person who registered to vote.
Voter Record
Cucukliryaurculriim imirarkaa

Definition: Signing up to be a voter.
Voter Registration
Cucukliryaurculriim imirillerkaan umllerkiuraa

Definition: Form or piece of paper you fill out to register as a voter.
Voter Registration Application

Definition: The date before and election that a person must be registered by in order to be able to vote.
Voter Registration Deadline
Cucuklilrianeng ikayuqengyaraq

Definition: The act of expressing or signifying will or choice by casting a ballot.
Cucuklirviim imirivia

Definition: Helping voters to vote.
Voting Assistance
Cucuklirrsuun massiinaq

Definition: Private place where you fill out the ballot.
Voting Booth
Cucuklirvigmi calista

Definition: A machine with which a voter votes.
Voting Machine

Definition: A person who gives voters a ballot.
Voting Official

Definition: 1. To see or know by personal perception and presence.
2. To be present at (an occurrence) as a formal witness.
Igaulluku cucukek’ngan

Definition: Person whose name is not printed on the ballot but voter’s can add the name to vote for him/her
Write-in Candidate