PFD Automatic Voter Registration Statistics ARCHIVED

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Mailed Notices Opt Outs Registered
PFD Year Valid Applications Potential New Voters Existing Voters* Ambigious Voters Total Potential New Voters Existing Voters** Total New Voters Existing Voters*** New Voters Who Voted Print and Mail Cost Total Annual Cost
2017 76171 25451 50571 149 76171 9794 21482 31276 15688 11107 3323 $61.148,71 $140.931,88
2018 359461 35690 101652 2454 139796 5322 9641 14963 31027 309902 8384 $164.995,29 $261.796,21
2019 404793 22754 78206 816 101776 4979 9965 14944 17868 330674 4519 $117.062,49 $280.730,53
2020 395314 16611 80113 452 97176 3011 7061 10072 13608 368516 4299 $120.792,44 $225.456,89
2021 388030 9222 67317 503 77042 2152 6243 8395 7076 368766 0 $83.116,26 $195.448,37

* This number reflects the number of opt-out notices sent to voters with a change to their Alaska residence address.

** This number reflects the number notices returned by voters requesting to opt-out of having their residence address changed.

*** This number includes both substantive changes to voters names or addresses as well as "no change" records that are still updated with voter contact as mandated by NVRA.

● This number reflects the number of voters (in the set of newly registered voters from the related PFD Year) that have voted in any subsequent Primary or General election.

Numbers Generated As Of: 11/9/2021 2:42:12 PM