The recount results for House District 37 were appealed to the Alaska Supreme Court (AS 15.20.510) which determined that 5 challenged ballots should be counted. Following the Supreme Court ruling, the results for House District 37 resulted in an exact tie. State law states that, if after a recount and appeal the results are tied, the winner will be determined by lot (AS 15.20.530). The Division of Elections held a coin toss at the Wilda Marston Theater at the Loussac Library in Anchorage on September 25, 2006. The winner of the coin toss was Bryce Edgmon. Mr. Edgmon will appear as the Democratic nominee on the 2006 General Election ballot for House District 37.
The below reports show a state wide summary of all races appearing on the ballot.
The below PDF reports show the results of all races appearing on the ballot by district. Click on a house district below to view the results for each precinct within the district and that districts early, absentee and questioned results.